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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Backsheesh \Back"sheesh`\, ||Backshish \Back"shish`\, n. [Pers. bakhsh[=i]sh, fr. bakhsh[=i]dan to give.] In Egypt and the Turkish empire, a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter); a gratuity; a ``tip''.

Syn: gratuity, tip, baksheesh, bakshish, bakshis.


n. (alternative spelling of baksheesh English) vb. (alternative spelling of baksheesh English)


n. a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter) [syn: gratuity, tip, pourboire, baksheesh, bakshish, bakshis]

Usage examples of "backsheesh".

Every feddan he had he had honestly earned, but this was his way of offering backsheesh.

Now, Selamlik Pasha was an Egyptian, and is it not written in the Book of Egypt that no man without the most dangerous reason may refuse backsheesh?

Wassef the camel-driver, being proud of Soada, gave her the advantage of his frequent good fortune in desert loot and Nile backsheesh.

Though the young man's father went secretly to the Mamour, and offered him backsheesh, even to the tune of a feddan of land, the Mamour refused to accept it.

That was a very peculiar thing, because every Egyptian official, from the Khedive down to the ghafhr of the cane-fields, took backsheesh in the name of Allah.

Wassef replied that the Mamour did well not to accept the backsheesh of Mahommed Selim's father, for the Mouffetish at the palace of Ismail would have heard of it, and there would have been an end to the Mamour.

It was quite a different matter when it was backsheesh for sending Mahommed Selim to the Soudan.

He also told her that the young man was willing to go, and that the Mamour would take no backsheesh from his father.

Because with this offer he should not only have backsheesh but the man also, the fat sergeant gave him leave.

Could England make a case of it, avenge the life of this young fool who had disgraced her in the eyes of the world, of the envious French in Cairo, and of that population of the palaces who hated her because Englishmen were the enemies of backsheesh, corruption, tyranny, and slavery?

Kept busy, with a promise of success and backsheesh when the matter was completed, the Arab would probably remain secret.

He only achieved this at last, again on the advice of Abdul Huseyn, by giving the Khedive as backsheesh the Syrian donkey-market, the five hundred feddans of cotton, and Hope's new school.

Nowadays, on the mastaba before his grandson's door, Abdul Huseyn, over ninety "by the grace of Allah," still tells of the backsheesh he secured from the Two Strange People for his help on a certain day.

The Khedive had been worked upon by some one in the circle, and had put on this pressure, for purposes of backsheesh, or blackmail, or whatever it might be called.

Everywhere his steamer stopped people came with backsheesh in the shape of butter, cream, flour, eggs, fowls, cloths, and a myriad things.