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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary

backroom \backroom\ n. 1. the meeting place of a group of leaders who make their decisions via private negotiations.


a. 1 Of, relating to, or happening in a backroom 2 Characterized by secrecy or anonymity alt. A room near the rear of a premises, especially one only accessible to a privileged few and that can be used as an inconspicuous meeting place n. A room near the rear of a premises, especially one only accessible to a privileged few and that can be used as an inconspicuous meeting place


n. the meeting place of a group of leaders who make their decisions via private negotiations

Usage examples of "backroom".

I said, "Yoo hoo" and "Hello" type things to cover my ass while I took the liberty of walking around the counter to inspect the backroom.

Most Castle operators took down their Coca-Cola signs and stored them in their backrooms.

In a garage in Rome, in the backrooms of a Paris bakery, in the cellar of a plush London home, and in the laundry room of a small country house.

At least not compared to the warehouse backrooms and underground chambers used by Miiska’s undeads.

I remember the Surete and the Gestapo men as extremely clean, eating huge Arab meals in nameless backrooms in the souk of Algiers, their voices melodic with confidence, softened by self-importance.

She had nosed out a couple of licensed traders who had backrooms where they bought smuggled artifacts they euphemistically called sourceless.

So there were engineers and controllers and mission managers from Mission Control and the science backrooms, here at Houston, and some pad technicians and managers from the Cape.

Those whose work puts them in touch with the realities of station-house backrooms will find that Woolrich, tormented recluse that he was, knew those realities too.

Four men had been familiar with that basement area and what was to be found down there—and all four of them had been so terrified that they had locked it from their minds, had attempted to shove it from the conscious arena of their mental processes down into the backrooms where it could be forgotten.

He affected buttonholes and pale suits, and he pretended on the flimsiest grounds to an intimate familiarity with the large backrooms of Whitehall.

But even as she was being acclaimed, and as Cathy was out boogieing with Renee Poetschka in Atlanta's nightspots, back in the condo the backroom boffins, Bideau and Plant, were making their plans against La Magnifique.

Even the Mission Controllers and their backroom staff were mostly aviation people of some kind, she was finding.

They revived it about two years ago, but it took quite a bit of backroom politics to push through a bond issue to finance it.

And then DiNardo's god struck him down with a gall bladder infection that required surgery, and his chosen backup had been swiftly chopped down by backroom politics.

The backroom microcredit plungers were trying desperately to impress him, he realized sadly, and they were succeeding: at the present rate, he'd have to drain the charge from his electric shaver into the ship's energy storage system, just to lift off the Core-forsaken planetoid.