n. (plural of backrest English)
Usage examples of "backrests".
The red Rexine coverings are engrained with grime except where the seats and backrests are worn smooth.
Just four extralarge and comfortable swivel airline seats with extended backrests and two pairs of standard seats against the aft bulkhead between which was access to the rest room.
The exposed wood was highly polished and some of the strands were colored, so that Lame Beaver’s cot constituted a kind of throne, with the painted skin behind it and the handsome backrests on either end.
These prairie reunions were tender and even passionate, and Clay Basket would have a tipi ready with the kind of furnishings she knew Pasquinel liked: a willow-reed bed with backrests, buffalo robes on the floor, a reliable flap for emitting smoke.
He told the lap trays to go away and eased the backrests to a more comfortable position, then slid his arm beneath Jeannie's shoulders.
We climbed into the bus, put the backrests back, put Marga's head on my shoulder.