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n. 1 (label en gymnastics) An act of rotate one's body 360 degrees in the backward direction. 2 (context by extension English) a total reversal in policy or opinion; a volte-face, an U-turn. vb. 1 To perform a backflip (rotation of body) 2 To completely reverse a policy or opinion; perform a U-turn.

Backflip (disambiguation)

Backflip may refer to:

  • Backflip (acrobatic)
  • "Backflip" (song), a song by Raven-Symoné from her album This Is My Time
  • Backflip Studios, a video game publisher
  • Motorola Backflip, a mobile phone
Backflip (song)

"Backflip" is the second single by American singer-actress Raven-Symoné from her third album, This Is My Time. It debuted on Radio Disney on July 28, 2004.

Usage examples of "backflip".

At intervals all the sailors around the fire would shout and the dancer would turn a backflip.

She did a backflip on the table, but her heart wasn't in the acrobatics.

But I’ve got great balance, strong legs, and I can still do a backflip and the splits.

She couldn’t even do a split, and if she’d tried to do a backflip, the weight of her boobs would have dumped her on her face.

What, you thought I was going to tell him I sort of automatically did a backflip and didn’t intend to do what I did?

She was perfectly on beat and adding additional moves including spins, kicks and even the odd backflip, each of them perfectly in time to the music.

A heartbeat later, his spider sense screamed a warning and, operating purely on reflex, he backflipped high in the air.

He backflipped upward as if gravity were a concept that didn't apply him, and landed on the main cable.

S/he skidded to a halt, and suddenly s/he backflipped through the air in a move of such astounding agility that even Slon gasped (although he quickly stifled the inappropriate sound).

At the same instant both of them backflipped into the air, landing on their feet poised in perfect mirror images, their blades whipping in identically curving slashes almost too fast to see.

She backflipped from her position astride the Australian girl's hips, stripped the layer knife and plasma gun out of the weapons belt on the armoire and dove out the second-story window.

But he wasn't there, having backflipped to land in a defensive posture.

As the soldiers entered the driveway, one of the near-naked men leaped forward to meet its charge, whooping, bounding up over the horned head and backflipping over its rump.

Luke, backflipping to his feet, offered up an expression of bafflement and frustration.

Either the audience thought there were more or were waiting for me to do handstands or backflips or something.