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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Backcast \Back"cast`\ (b[a^]k"k[.a]st`), n. [Back, adv. + cast.] Anything which brings misfortune upon one, or causes failure in an effort or enterprise; a reverse. [Scot.]

  1. (context UK dialectal English) retrospective. adv. (context UK dialectal of time English) long ago; in the past. n. 1 A cast or throw back. 2 A backward stroke, or a stroke driving one back. 3 (context figuratively English) Any discouragement or cause of relapse or failure. 4 (context UK dialectal English) misfortune; reverse; reversal; a relapse in health or illness; moral backsliding. 5 (context UK dialectal English) retrospect; hindsight. 6 (context UK dialectal English) backwater v

  2. 1 To identify the actions required in order to reach a proposed future. 2 (context UK dialectal English) To change retrospectively; reverse.

Usage examples of "backcast".

If the trout are hitting on the backcast or otherwise vir­tually leaping into your net, the sport may be characterized as "halfway decent.