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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Backbiting \Back"bit`ing\, n. Secret slander; detraction.

Backbiting, and bearing of false witness.
--Piers Plowman.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1200, bacbitunge, from back (adj. or n.) + biting. Related: back-bite (v.), early 14c.; back-biter (c.1200).


Etymology 1 n. The action of slandering a person without that person's knowledge. Etymology 2

  1. Slandering or speaking badly of a person without that person's knowledge. v

  2. (present participle of backbite English)


Backbiting, backstabbing, or tale-bearing is to slander someone in their absence — to bite them behind their back. Originally, backbiting referred to an unsporting attack from the rear in the blood sport of bearbaiting.

In the Baha'i Faith, Christian, Islamic and Jewish doctrine, backbiting is considered a sin. The Baha'i leaders condemned it as the worst of sins as it destroyed the 'life of the soul' and provoked divine wrath. Thomas Aquinas classified it as a mortal sin, but considered it to be the gravest sin that one could commit against one's neighbour. Islam considers it to be a major sin and the Qur'an compares it to the abhorrent act of eating the flesh of one's dead brother.

In Judaism, backbiting is known as Lashon hara (the evil tongue) and it is considered a sin based on the verse in Psalms 34:13: "Stop your tongue from evil; and your lips from iniquity."

In Buddhism, backbiting goes against the ideal of right speech.

Usage examples of "backbiting".

You see, Arthurungrateful, backbiting young poseur that he is, I discovered too latefeared me and what I might do were I to reach Edinburgh and the ear of the cardinal there.

Gemma knew Michael: He was in no mood for bickering, backbiting, or inter-Dante politics.

Why must the public pay through the nose for the endless bickering and backbiting between these two monster organizations Planetary Development and the Space Force?

A few saintly personalities stand out amidst a roiling sea of jealousies, ambition, backbiting, suppression of dissent, and absurd conceits.

It is particularly important to refrain from making unfavourable remarks or statements concerning the friends and the loved ones of God, inasmuch as any expression of grievance, of complaint or backbiting is incompatible with the requirements of unity and harmony and would dampen the spirit of love, fellowship and nobility.

Sometimes she wondered why she still gave a damn about being accepted in her family, especially when they behaved like sniping, backbiting lunatics.

The army of the Queen Regent was indeed in an almost wrecked condition, and among the field officers jealousy and backbiting, which had smouldered through the war-time, broke out openly.

Catholics, are popular superstitions, envy, calumnies, backbiting, insinuations, and the like, which, being neither punished nor refuted, stir up suspicion of witchcraft.

I stand therefore in high favor with both parties, and have to hear all their cabinet counsels and mutual backbitings.

I stand therefore in high favor with both parties, and have to hear all their cabinet councils and mutual backbitings.

Paul says he plans to visit Corinth, but he's afraid he may find the church there divided by "strifes, backbitings, whisperings" (12:20).