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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ For these reasons, the Conservatives are a little more responsive to widespread expressions of serious doubt on their own backbenches.
▪ I love my constituency and will do all I can to advance the interests of my constituents from the backbenches.
▪ The barrage of public anger was intense, Mr Whitney returned to the backbenches not long afterwards.
▪ The Essex Men had mobilised on the Tory backbenches in strength.
▪ The Government faces opposition from its backbenches on the question of quality.
▪ The Labour Party had put down a vote of censure and there was much rumbling on the Tory backbenches.
▪ The whispering on the backbenches began again.
▪ When the election was won, most handsomely, Pym found himself on the backbenches.

n. (plural of backbench English)

Usage examples of "backbenches".

Every so often someone proposes a registry of companies and a regulator to create them, but the backbenches won't ever approve that—it would take a large bite out of their living.