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n. (plural of backache English)

Usage examples of "backaches".

She has so many varieties of headache,--sometimes as if Jael were driving the nail that killed Sisera into her temples,--sometimes letting her work with half her brain while the other half throbs as if it would go to pieces,--sometimes tightening round the brows as if her cap-band were a ring of iron,--and then her neuralgias, and her backaches, and her fits of depression, in which she thinks she is nothing and less than nothing, and those paroxysms which men speak slightingly of as hysterical,--convulsions, that is all, only not commonly fatal ones, --so many trials which belong to her fine and mobile structure,--that she is always entitled to pity, when she is placed in conditions which develop her nervous tendencies.

I could teach him a good deal about headaches and backaches and all sorts of nervous revolutions, as the doctor says the French women call their tantrums.

They just go on and on, beans today, peas tomorrow, sometimes a day off, more often not, the same backaches, same fields, same highways over and over and over.