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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bacchant \Bac"chant\, n.; pl. E. Bacchants, L. Bacchantes. [L. bacchans, -antis, p. pr. of bacchari to celebrate the festival of Bacchus.]

  1. A priest of Bacchus.

  2. A bacchanal; a reveler.


Bacchant \Bac"chant\, a. Bacchanalian; fond of drunken revelry; wine-loving; reveling; carousing.


a. bacchanalian; fond of drunken revelry; wine-loving; reveling; carousing. n. 1 A priest of Bacchus. 2 A bacchanal; a reveler.

  1. n: someone who engages in drinking bouts [syn: drunken reveler, drunken reveller, bacchanal]

  2. a drunken reveller; a devotee of Bacchus [syn: bacchanal]

  3. (classical mythology) a priest or votary of Bacchus

  4. [also: bacchantes (pl)]

Usage examples of "bacchant".

He tossed them into the air with the frenzied expression of a bacchant.