n. (context organic chemistry medicine English) Any azo derivative of a ketone, but especially any of a family of aliphatic azo derivatives of cycloheptanone that are used to increase the permeability of skin in order to facilitate drug uptake
Azones, in mythology, was a term anciently applied to gods and goddesses that were not the private divinities of any particular country or people. They were acknowledged as deities in every country, and worshipped in every nation. The word is etymologically derived from Greek for "without" and "country". The Azones were to a degree above the visible and sensible deities, which were called Zonei, who inhabited some particular part of the world, and never stirred out of the district or zone that was assigned them.
Usage examples of "azone".
Ezelin, in the meantime, had subdued the whole of the Trevisian March, but could not prevail against Ferrara, which was defended by Azone da Este and the forces which the pope had in Lombardy.