Ayaal is a 2013 Malayalam film directed by Suresh Unnithan. Lal, Iniya, Lakshmi Sharma and Lena play the lead roles. The story, screenplay and dialogue of the film is written by Dr. K. Ampady. The film is produced by Madhusoodanan Mavelikara (Seashell Movies) and M. T. Dileep Kumar (Elements Vision). The cinematography is by Sujith Vasudev. Ayaal was earlier titled Nagabandham. The film released on 28 June 2013.
Ayaal is a story on intense human relations. It’s a story of a man who effortlessly floated along the estuaries of time, the back waters of Vembanad. If love is the flowering of one’s own heart, can it have a direction? Is it Scalar (direction less). This is an uncomfortable question raised by him, the protagonist, Guru Dasan. The film problemetises the conventional fabric of human relations, its rules and its sanctity.