Awazapur (Awajapur) is a village panchayat in Chandauli district of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is 40 km away from Varanasi, and 20 km from Chandauli. The village is dominated by suryavanshi gaharwar Rajputs. The population of the village is about 4,000 including mainly Thakurs(Rajputs). In Awazapur, a large number of people are in Army and defense services. The village has a post office. There are two canals in the village, in north and south of the village. The village also has a degree college named Shahid Captain Vijay Pratap Singh Mahavidyalaya.
It falls under Chandauli (Loksabha) Parliamentary Constituency and Shaiyadraza Legislative Assembly, and under the Sakaldiha Tehsil, Dhanapur Block and Dhanapur Police Station.