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vb. (en-third-person singular of: awaken)

Usage examples of "awakens".

These spells hitting him now must be linked, so that breaking or trammeling one awakens the next!

You know well that the use of one power always awakens the Dark and in a way strengthens it by that arousing.

Even as the bright beams of the sun enlighten a dark cloud and give it a golden border, so the Soul when it enters into the body of the heaven gives it life and timeless beauty and awakens it from sleep.

The injured husband goes through all the emotions of jealousy, until conviction seizes on his mind, and then, in a frenzy of rage and indignation, he awakens his guilty wife to tell her that he knows her guilt and to threaten her with his vengeance.

When such power comes, even into worthy hands, it awakens and stirs the Dark.

Thus, for both Schelling and Hegel, Spirit goes out of itself to produce objective Nature, awakens to itself in subjective Mind, and then recovers itself in pure Nondual perception, where subject and object are one pure act of nondual awareness that unifies both Nature and Mind in realized Spirit.