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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Await \A*wait"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Awaited; p. pr. & vb. n. Awaiting.] [OF. awaitier, agaitier; ? (L. ad) + waitier, gaitier to watch, F. guetter. See Wait.]

  1. To watch for; to look out for. [Obs.]

  2. To wait on, serve, or attend. [Obs.]

  3. To wait for; to stay for; to expect. See Expect.

    Betwixt these rocky pillars Gabriel sat, Chief of the angelic guards, awaiting night.

  4. To be in store for; to be ready or in waiting for; as, a glorious reward awaits the good.

    O Eve, some farther change awaits us night.


vb. (present participle of await English)


Awaiting (; lit. "The Day Min-woo Arrives") is a 2014 South Korean short film written and directed by Kang Je-gyu, starring Moon Chae-won and Go Soo.

It is one of four short films comprising Beautiful 2014, the third annual omnibus project commissioned by Chinese online platform Youku Tudou and the Hong Kong International Film Festival. The other short films were The Dream directed by Shu Kei, HK 2014 - Education for All directed by Christopher Doyle, and Boss I Love You directed by Zhang Yuan. Beautiful 2014 premiered at the 38th Hong Kong International Film Festival on March 27, 2014. Awaiting received a theatrical release in South Korea on December 18, 2014.

Usage examples of "awaiting".

Several brawns arrived, two of whom Helva knew were awaiting assignment and very envious of Niall's luck, but the majority of visitors were not service personnel.

Beyond that were the fenced pastures awaiting the arrival of the precious farm livestock on the colony ship.

There are dozens of teams,” and Todd gestured broadly to the various groups around the village green, awaiting the reports of Sighters.

He had also counted on the fact that trade agreements had been drawn up and were awaiting the renewal of the Treaty before Hrruban ratification.

Instead of the panel of inquiry meeting them, there would be an entirely different kind of reception committee awaiting the Reeves.

I'm expected to appear at a Delegate's Ball tonight at 2000 hours and your company would make it considerably less tedious an affair, I will be in the office until 1700 hours, awaiting your reply.

A large group of Ryxi were awaiting transport to Arrutan's fifth planet which was to be thoroughly investigated as suitable for colonisation by their species.

When we reached the port on the Exe Biver again, there were messages awaiting Lord Artos such that he could not accompany us on the third trip.

By the time they got there, Jennan found a reputation awaiting him and was forced to defend the 834's virgin honor.

Then he seated himself at the pilot console awaiting touchdown on Tania Borealis.

Polyon's own game icon was still at the mouth of the tunnels, awaiting a command from him.

So perhaps the late Idi ibn Sorkut-at least that's the name on his papers-might have let drop some tidbits in the Mall while awaiting the news that Limo-34 was MIS.

Also in the basement were the long-term survival units awaiting a catastrophic disaster.

With the skill and ease of long practice, Damia caught the generators at peak and teleported the ore drones from the mine yards directly to David who would shift them to the refinery awaiting the metal.

Thian's arrival did and the sextet set out back to the terraced house and the tutorials awaiting them, for all six young creatures had lessons to attend and that was how they occupied themselves until it was time to prepare lunch.