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Avvo is an online legal services marketplace. Avvo offers on-demand, affordable legal advice through Avvo Advisor, which delivers an Avvo-rated, experienced lawyer for 15 minutes over the phone, available online or via a free app for iOS devices. In the Avvo Q&A forum, consumers can get their legal questions answered for free by more than 250,000 participating lawyers or search more than 8 million previously asked questions and attorney-provided answers. The Avvo lawyer directory provides Avvo-rated profiles, client reviews, and peer endorsements for 97 percent of all lawyers in the United States. The Avvo attorney directory may also include client reviews, disciplinary actions, and peer endorsements. The website also includes lawyer-submitted legal guides.

Launched in 2007, Avvo has developed a rating scale for lawyers based upon a proprietary algorithm. The ratings system was widely criticized for inaccuracy and inconsistency. A lawsuit filed against the company alleged it was a "scam" and libelous. The suit was dismissed on the basis that the ratings were an opinion protected by the First Amendment right of free speech.