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n. (plural of avoidance English)

Usage examples of "avoidances".

These are the Desires and Aversions, the Pursuits and Avoidances, or the exercise of the active powers, and the Assents of the understanding.

The next step to Stoical perfection was, the class of Pursuits and Avoidances 2 As the Desires and Aversions are simple affections, the Pursuits and Avoidances are exertions of the active powers towards the procuring or declining anything.

Now the operations of the soul are its pursuits and avoidances, its desires, aversions, preparations, intentions, assents.

Seek it there, where the pursuits and avoidances, the desires and aversions, are concerned.

He was properly a governor of men, who subjected their desires and aversions, their pursuits, their avoidances, to himself.

So, courtship becomes a complex combination of approaches and avoidances, of come ons and defenses.

But, as usual with Lincoln, there were stories to be told, as well as what seemed to be idle meanderings which, Seward now understood, were highly meaningful evasions and delicate avoidances.

Sophonts like Homo sapiens, using observation and imagination, developed systems of avoidances and protections within which they could live, grow, and explore quite nicely.