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Ávine Júnior Cardoso or simply Ávine (born February 21, 1988 in Aimorés) is a Brazilian footballer, who plays for Brazilian club Bahia.

Usage examples of "avine".

She's a Horton Ravine matron spending someone else's money and suddenly, she's talking about her talent and her 'eye' for design.

Meanwhile, Rand minded the baby, taking him for endless walks around Horton Ravine.

I dropped the list in my trash and put a call through to Crystal Purcell at the house in Horton Ravine.

Of course, it was likely her mail was sent to the main residence in Horton Ravine, which might explain the absence of letters sitting out in plain view.

Horton Ravine, where I was headed, is a moneyed enclave, carved out by land grant and deed, whereby successive California governors rewarded military leaders for killing people really, really well.

The Ravine was lush, the trunks of sycamores and live oaks stained dark from the recent rains.

I drove past the Horton Ravine Riding Club, continued a mile, and finally took a right turn and went up a hill.

His views were spectacular: the ocean, the coastline, the mountains, and the western edges of Horton Ravine.

We drove through the stone pillars that marked the rear entrance to Horton Ravine.

I'd studied a city map, pinpointing his street address in the heart of Horton Ravine.

I turned left again and drove through the back entrance to Horton Ravine.

My daughter has a business taking care of houseplants for folks here in Horton Ravine.

I sailed through the stone gate that marked the front entrance to Horton Ravine and followed the road as it curved around to the right.

Gramercy Lane, or parts of it at any rate, were within a two-mile radius of the Purcell house in the Ravine.

I jotted down the information, noting that the address he gave me was a match for the Glazer's house in Horton Ravine.