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n. 1 The entrance to hell or the underworld, or the underworld itself. 2 A lake in Southern Italy.


Avernus was an ancient name for a volcanic crater near Cumae (Cuma), Italy, in the Region of Campania west of Naples. Part of the Phlegraean Fields of volcanoes, Avernus is approximately in circumference. Within the crater is Lake Avernus ().

Usage examples of "avernus".

Avernus trembled as archdevils deeper in the Hells looked up in real alarm and gave orders.

Even now her magics were drifting out to sniff the tortured gorges and ridges of Avernus for any trace of-there!

As rivals, we lurk in the caverns and mountain rifts of Avernus, pursuing our individual plots against the ruling devils-and avoiding the patrols, for even stinging insects have the power to weaken and annoy.

Like her faithful Chosen before her, she bent her attention to closing rifts between Toril and Avernus.

He was going to have to spend all of his magic healing this rift, for the love of Toril that so seldom loved him, be burned and blasted in the doing, perhaps fail and be torn apart-and if he succeeded, plunge at the last down into Avernus, bereft of spells and defenseless.

My, but he was populate Avernus must furnish poor entertainment, for a lone human wizard to attract such interest.

The tortured rocks of Avernus stood on all sides, stabbing up into the blood-red sky like the black fingers of corpses.

I am yet the mightiest of all-aye, overmatching even Tiamat the Many-Mawed-who call Avernus home.

He was tree to drag his husk of a body around Avernus, if that could be called freedom.

The probing force in his mind faltered, and he was back in Avernus again.

Then, calm once more, he rose within the velvet darkness of his mind and went on, parting veils until he saw the blood-red sky of Avernus once more.

Pain in Avernus, of a tentacle become a talon and thrust through the breast of a crawling man, leaving him to stiffen and gasp in agony as fresh blood flowed.

Elminster with wet foulness and shaking him to full awareness of Avernus around him.

I would not have lasted five breaths in Avernus at the height of my reckless youth.

The endless brawl and slaughter that was Avernus raged around him unabated.