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alt. (alternative form of ave lang=en nodot=1): avenue n. (alternative form of ave lang=en nodot=1): avenue

Usage examples of "ave.".

Motile points of crimson light lived io the material and drifted about from place to place like diatoms on the crest of a wave. They tended, for whatever reason, to gravitate to the high points of her body.

Don’t worry, mate, I’ll see to me kit and me weapons before I takes me leave. Wouldn’t do for old Mudge to go traipsin’ off without ‘is weapons, now would it?

Mudge was peering around the edge of one of the doors that led to the cave. “Is it safe or ain’t it, mate?

Mudge, I haven’t led the kind of life you have.” She looked apologetically at Jon-Tom.

I’ve thought it right through, I ‘ave. See, all I ‘ave to do is ‘ear the word ‘demon’ an’ it don’t take me but a minim to carefully an’ thoughtfully decide I’d be better off elsewhere.

Then after the waitress hands you the menu, say you have to meet someone outside first, and leave.

If there is a bull around, the most he's going to do is tell you it's private property and ask you to leave. There are exceptions to this rule, such as the notorious Lincoln, Nebraska, and Las Vegas, Nevada, but by asking you can find out.

Even if he asks you to leave or throws you out, sneak back when your train is pulling out and jump aboard.

Wishon Ave., Fresno, California 93704 Washington Area Free U-5519 Prospect Place, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 and 1854 Park Rd.

The best way to start is to save up a little bread and buy a larger quantity than you usually get.

The price of dope varies with the amount of stuff on the market in your area, the heat the narks are bringing down and the connections you have. A rough scale, say, for pot is $20 an ounce, $125 a pound and $230 a kilo (2.

We have one friend who wears a priest's outfit to ship and receive dope.

Most are located between 42nd and 59th Streets on Fifth Ave. in New York City.

You can find their addresses in the New York Yellow Pages under both National Tourist Agencies and Travel Agencies.

Each machine requires its own type ink, so learn what works best with the one you have. Colored ink is slightly more expensive but available for most machines.