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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Auxiliar \Aux*il"iar\ (?; 106), a. [L. auxiliaris: cf. F. auxiliaire. See Auxiliary.] Auxiliary. [Archaic]

The auxiliar troops and Trojan hosts appear.


Auxiliar \Aux*il"iar\, n. An auxiliary. [Archaic]


a. (context obsolete English) auxiliary n. (context archaic English) An auxiliary.

Usage examples of "auxiliar".

In the analysis of a story like mine--so terribly romantic as it was--his imagination became a prime auxiliar, and with its aid, where a dull man would have paused for fact, with the felicity of truth, it supplied them, and he grew confident and strong in each hour of progression in his labor.

MELSHEIMER - Tagebuch von der Reise der Braunschweigischen Auxiliar Truppen von Wolfenbuttel nach Quebec.