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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Autopathic \Au`to*path"ic\, a. [See Auto-, and Pathic, a.] (Med.) Dependent upon, or due or relating to, the structure and characteristics of the diseased organism; endopathic; as, an autopathic disease; an autopathic theory of diseases. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] ||

Usage examples of "autopathic".

Illness of whatever sort, exopathic or autopathic, comes under Pathology.

The history of Colonies shows usSyracuse is one examplethat Culture-crises, even autopathic ones like the appearance of Rationalism, produce greater effects in them.

Class war is an autopathic Culture-disease which arises with the beginnings of the Civilization-crisis, and is only finally liquidated with the end of that crisis, and the beginning of the second phase of Civilization, the Resurgence of Authority.

American autopathic tendencies, arising from the disintegratory influence of Rationalism and Materialism, are the source of the possibilities of which the Culture-distorter made use.

After more than a century of constant disintegration, division, and disunification, of a constant crisis arising from the autopathic Culture-disease of rationalist-materialism, the Culture came back once more to health and soundness, to Authority and Faith.

After more than a century of constant disintegration, division, and disunification, of a constant crisis arising from the autopathic Culture-disease of rationalist-materialism, the Culture came back once more to health and soundness, to Authority and Faith.