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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Autohypnotic \Au`to*hyp*not"ic\, a. Pert. to autohypnotism; self-hypnotizing. -- n. An autohypnotic person.


a. Of or pertaining to autohypnosis; self-hypnotizing.

Usage examples of "autohypnotic".

Before the attempt was made to transform me into a mindless monster, I forced myself into an autohypnotic trance.

Doc was either in an autohypnotic trance, or the effect of the weird force of the mindless monsters had gripped him.

It is telling that alien abductions occur mainly on falling asleep or when waking up, or on long automobile drives where there is a well-known danger of falling into some autohypnotic reverie.

He was roused from his autohypnotic trance by a minor commotion near him.

Had McLaughlin not seen them, he might have thought the other to be in an autohypnotic trance or a warm creative fog, neither of which states were unusual enough to call for comment.

The AAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM syllable is the oldest breath-regulating chant on the planet, basic and irreducible and autohypnotic.

In the end I had a bottle of slightly smoky liquid and a taped recording of autohypnotic suggestions to play into my ears while the shot was taking effect.