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n. (plural of autograph English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: autograph)

Usage examples of "autographs".

Mistral winced at the thought of spending an entire weekend in a dreary burg in Maryland, signing autographs and telling high school kids how to make it in Hollywood.

When Leslie Mothershed got outside, he savagely tore up the autographs and threw them away.

Old muskets, old swords, old shoes and old coats, trumpets, drums, guncarriages, wheels, helmets, cannon balls, grape-shot, and all the murderous rubbish which battles come to at last, with proclamations, autographs, caricatures and likenesses of Napoleon, and effigies of all the other generals engaged, and miniatures and jewels of their womenkind, filled room after room, through which their owner vaunted his way, with a loud pounding voice and a bad breath.

They intimate the classic temper to which his mind tended more and more, and amidst the multitude of sculptures, pictures, prints, drawings, gems, medals, autographs, there is the sense of the manymindedness, the universal taste, for which he found room in little Weimar, but not in his contemporaneous Germany.