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n. (plural of autographing English)

Usage examples of "autographings".

Not just the writing, but the public appearances and autographings, dining with publishers, and so on.

I'd made publicity appearances, on talk shows, autographings, book and author luncheons, that sort of thing.

Now, I did have a couple of smart-ass lines I got used to giving at autographings, appearances, speeches, and SF conventions when I would inevitably be asked to do more Well World material, the most common of which was naming a dollar figure so impossibly high compared to what even the best in the field were getting paid at the time and saying that if somebody offered me that much, and if I had an idea I thought would not cheapen, and might possibly enhance, the existing books, I might consider it.

As I recall, she was a tiny figure under a mass of orange hair who came to one of my autographings and to my reading.