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vb. (en-past of: autograph)


adj. bearing an autograph; "an autographed copy of his latest book"

Usage examples of "autographed".

Bunzie had protested that they were in a hurry, and off they went, promising him postcards and autographed paperbacks upon their return.

Ted made periodic visits to this particular bookstore, where he routinely autographed however many copies of his backlist titles were in stock.

All the winner gets is an autographed copy of a Dungannon first edition and a gift certificate from Pizza Hut.

The book fell open to the title page, and Tyson saw that it was autographed by Andrew Picard.

George Woodard wanted to take two boxes of books to be autographed and a carton full of copies of Alluvial to give away to prospective contributors.

Bunzie had protested that they were in a hurry, and off they went, promising him postcards and autographed paperbacks upon their return.

Ted Cole ineverybookstore, of course, but Ted made periodic visits to this particular bookstore, where he routinely autographed however many copies of his backlist titles were in stock.

It would probably be a woman, and Ted would actually have tobuyone of his own autographed books for her, but she would give him a ride home.

Mouse Crawling Between the Walls,which the clam-truck driver had autographed to near perfection.

The book fell open to the title page, and Tyson saw that it was autographed by Andrew Picard.

All the winner gets is an autographed copy of a Dungannon first edition and a gift certificate from Pizza Hut.