The Collaborative International Dictionary
Authentically \Au*then"tic*al*ly\, adv. In an authentic manner; with the requisite or genuine authority.
adv. In an authentic manner; with the requisite or genuine authority.
adv. genuinely; with authority; "it is authentically British" [syn: genuinely]
Usage examples of "authentically".
And such a one will possess not merely the good, but the Supreme Good if, that is to say, in the realm of existents the Supreme Good can be no other than the authentically living, no other than Life in its greatest plenitude, life in which the good is present as something essential not as something brought from without, a life needing no foreign substance called in from a foreign realm, to establish it in good.
The Indeterminate in the Intellectual Realm, where there is truer being, might almost be called merely an Image of Indefiniteness: in this lower Sphere where there is less Being, where there is a refusal of the Authentic, and an adoption of the Image-Kind, Indefiniteness is more authentically indefinite.
Real-Being sprung from a Real-Being--lower than the parent but authentically existent--is beyond doubt.
Real-Being of all that authentically is--in the Real-Being which looks, rapt, towards the very Highest.
Soul acting to the purposes of nature and within its appointed order, all this is Real-Being: anything else is alien, no act of the Soul, but merely something that happens to it: a parallel may be found in false mentation, notions behind which there is no reality as there is in the case of authentic ideas, the eternal, the strictly defined, in which there is at once an act of true knowing, a truly knowable object and authentic existence--and this not merely in the Absolute, but also in the particular being that is occupied by the authentically knowable and by the Intellectual-Principle manifest in every several form.
In each particular human being we must admit the existence of the authentic Intellective Act and of the authentically knowable object--though not as wholly merged into our being, since we are not these in the absolute and not exclusively these--and hence our longing for absolute things: it is the expression of our intellective activities: if we sometimes care for the partial, that affection is not direct but accidental, like our knowledge that a given triangular figure is made up of two right angles because the absolute triangle is so.
All taken as a totality, since that Authentic All is not a thing patched up out of external parts, but is authentically an all because its parts are engendered by itself.
Now when we reach a One--the stationary Principle--in the tree, in the animal, in Soul, in the All--we have in every case the most powerful, the precious element: when we come to the One in the Authentically Existent Beings--their Principle and source and potentiality--shall we lose confidence and suspect it of being-nothing?
These are very near to the un-needing, to that which has no need of Knowing, they have abundance and intellection authentically, as being the first to possess.
Being, but is merely protected, in so far as it has the capacity, by participating in what authentically is.
Assuming that the divine and the authentically existent possesses a life beneficent and wise, we take the next step and begin with working out the nature of our own soul.
Being--for if there were nothing outside all alliance and compromise, nothing authentically one, there would be no Source.
We will have to examine this Nature, the Intellectual, which our reasoning identifies as the authentically existent and the veritable essential: but first we must take another path and make certain that such a principle does necessarily exist.
Clearly, as authentic Intellection, it has authentic intellection of the authentically existent, and establishes their existence.
All the rest waits for the appearing of the king to hail him for himself, not a being of accident and happening but authentically king, authentically Principle, The Good authentically, not a being that acts in conformity with goodness--and so, recognisably, a secondary--but the total unity that he is, no moulding upon goodness but the very Good itself.