Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
comb. form meaning "Austrian;" see Austria.
Usage examples of "austro-".
And even though the Germans turned on Rennenkampf and drove him out of East Prussia in the Battle of the Masurian Lakes, two Russian armies pounded the Austro-Hungarian forces back through Lvov with such force that they retreated almost to Krakow.
Knowledge of Novikov's decision determined the initially successful Austro-German tactics of the battles of the Vistula and San rivers.
Solution again required several days, and when it was completed the Austro-German command learned that the Russians planned to dig in for the winter along the Nida River.
Enormous quantities of intelligence were sluiced from the Pokorny and Deubner groups into the offices of the operations staffs of the German and Austro-Hungarian commands.
Some of the Austrian cryptanalysis was done at Ronge's Austro-Nord Penkala under the command of Captain Karl Boldeskul.
The notorious Austro-Hungarian military attaché who had operated so successfully in the Balkans had to be expelled from the army.
You'd have thought he was the former owner of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire, which isn't far from the truth as it happens.
Now is it true he arranged that war so the Austro-Hungarian Empire would do a tumble and he could pick up what he wanted from the pathetic ruins?
But then, the Austro-Hungarian army was always concerned about securing its eastern front.
It appears the person to see is the brilliant young Austro-Hungarian military attaché in the capital.
The political situation in the Balkans, never more unstable than now, is of great interest to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, therefore to its military attaché in Constantinople.
For hundreds of years, partly as a reaction to the iniquities of Austro-Hungarian rule, Catholic theologians in Croatia were increasingly drawn toward Christian unity among the South ("Yugo") Slavs.
Dame Rebecca lauded Strossmayer as a "fearless denunciator of" Austro-Hungarian tyranny.
In the peace settlement that followed World War I , Romania reclaimed not only Bessarabia , but also a northern fragment of Moldavia from the dismembered Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Bucharest is farther away from Suceava than it is from Jassy, and the Austro-Hungarians have been a good influence," Mihai explained.