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n. 1 (context rare mineral English) A secondary mineral found in the oxidized zone of some arsenic-rich base-metal deposits. 2 A misspelling of austenite.


Austinite is a member of the adelite- descloizite group, adelite subgroup, the Zn end member of the Cu-Zn series with conichalcite. It is the zinc analogue of cobaltaustinite and nickelaustinite. At one time “brickerite” was thought to be a different species, but it is now considered to be identical to austinite. Austinite is named in honour of Austin Flint Rogers (1877–1957), American mineralogist from Stanford University, California, US.

Usage examples of "austinite".

As a fellow Austinite of similar age and similar interests, I myself had known Godwin socially for many years.

Abandoned buildings, crumbling streets, and rundown neighborhoods prevailed along both sides of the busy road that many Austinites used to go from north to south and back, avoiding the more heavily trafficked I-35 and Mopac.

They are meeting in Austin in order to pursue strategy for their own national organization, but in the meantime, they also have graciously agreed to appear publicly and share their expertise and their opinions with us Austinites.

And after these formal panels, this evening from 8 to 10, we are going to indulge in a prolonged informal session of what we Austinites are best at: absorbing alcohol, reminiscing about the Sixties, and making what Mitch Kapor likes to call "valuable personal contacts.