a. From or pertaining to a culture of the Upper Paleolithic, located in Europe and southwest Asia from circa 45,000 to 35,000 years ago, known from archaeological remains. n. A member of the Aurignacian culture.
The Aurignacian culture ( or ) is an archaeological culture of the Upper Palaeolithic. It is the earliest modern human culture in Europe, and is associated with the immigration of anatomically modern humans from the Near East. It first appeared in Eastern Europe around 43,000 BP, and in Western Europe between 40,000 and 36,000 years BP. It was replaced by the Gravettian culture around 28,000 to 26,000 years ago.
The name originates from the type site (a site considered to be the model of a particular archaeological culture) of Aurignac, Haute-Garonne, which is a town in the south-west of France near Toulouse or Andorra.
The oldest undisputed example of human figurative art, the Venus of Hohle Fels, comes from this culture. It was discovered in September 2008 in a cave at Schelklingen in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. The Bacho Kiro site is one of the earliest known Aurignacian burials.
Usage examples of "aurignacian".
He found nearby, at the same level, some stone tools resembling those from the Aurignacian period, considered to be about 30,000 years old.
Sophisticated stone tools, comparable to those of Aurignacian Europe, turn up all over the world, in very distant times.
According to standard opinion, tools of the Aurignacian type did not appear before 30,000 years ago.
But, emotions aside, it seems to me that those left should be collected and put in museums alongside relics of Aurignacian and Mousterian cultures.
Renaissance, sharpened and intensified as it has been by its double maxima of climate and science, is able to force a response comparable to that of the Aurignacian Renaissance of twenty-five thousand BC, to wit, the flowering of the Cro-Magnon, the first of the modern men.
BP, which was quite distinct from another layer dated 35,000 BP which was the most recent layer at the site containing Aurignacian artefacts.
Thus, at one moment I was an Aurignacian, engraving his cave wall with vivid shapes of deer and bison, while my fellow hunters peered with admiration through the smoke.
The pregnant female figurines described by the Arab are highly suggestive of the prehistoric carvings and figurines to be found at the Aurignacian industry sites in France and of the Gravettian finds in Willendorf, Austria, Level 9.
Both Aurignacian and Gravettian cultural levels are associated with essentially modern man, and not Neanderthal Man.