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The Collaborative International Dictionary
auricula Judae

Auricula \Au*ric"u*la\, n.; pl. L. Auricul[ae], E. Auriculas. [L. auricula. See Auricle.]

  1. (Bot.)

    1. A species of Primula, or primrose, called also, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.

    2. (b) A species of Hirneola ( Hirneola auricula), a membranaceous fungus, called also auricula Jud[ae], or Jew's-ear.
      --P. Cyc.

  2. (Zo["o]l.)

    1. A genus of air-breathing mollusks mostly found near the sea, where the water is brackish.

    2. One of the five arched processes of the shell around the jaws of a sea urchin.

Usage examples of "auricula judae".

It deals very learnedly with the medicinal virtues of the tree - its flowers, berries, leaves, 'middle bark,' pith, roots and 'Jew's ears,' a large fungus often to be found on the Elder (Hirneola auricula Judae), the name a corruption of 'Judas's ear,' from the tradition, referred to above, that Judas hanged himself on the Elder.