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aunt minnie

n. (context radiology English) A distinctive radiographic finding that is virtually pathognomonic.

Usage examples of "aunt minnie".

We was all alone quite a few years before we left Arkansas and went on back to Columbia County Florida and stayed a year with Granny Ellen Watson and Aunt Minnie Collins and our cousins.

So Brocky had to leave the table, and Aunt Minnie put a cover over his plate, to keep his dinner warm.

So the afternoon 'fore we're gonna start, Will an' Aunt Minnie go a-practicin'.

It would have been a pleasant room if it wasn't for the certain knowledge that Uncle Harry or Aunt Minnie or Morty the mailman was naked in another part of the house, dead as a doorknob, getting pumped full of formaldehyde.

If I make an exception for you, I'll have technicians in Computer Center wanting the same thing so Aunt Minnie can bring them their lunch, and statisticians in the Sensitive Records Section who want their girl friends to pick them up from work, and Ghu knows where it will all end.

DePanna said, as if she were talking about a little static during a call from her Aunt Minnie.

Provided they can rake up the money to pay for it, almost everyone can go meet his dead Aunt Minnie.