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n. (plural of aubergine English)

Usage examples of "aubergines".

The passage of the small column of lancers was, to the young, simply a welcome break in their own, endless, wearisome war fought with sticks and stones against the vermininsect, animal and avianthat haunted the fields of melons, squashes, aubergines and cabbages.

I found baskets of aubergines, smooth-skinned and firm to the touch, and another of ripe gourds.

He would be busy all night cleaning cuts, and he would earn a spectacular profit in aubergines, which at that time were just coming into season.

Oui, he once commented upon my brais'd Pork Liver with Aubergines, offer'd to teach me the St.

There was a boy who could eat metal and a girl whose fingers were so green that she could grow prize aubergines in the Thar desert.

Two dozen servants or more bustled around with great noise, setting rugs and cushions for them upon the terrace, all around the marble pool, and ferrying great platters from the kitchens, laden with fragrant pilaff and heaps of mashed aubergines, cabbage leaves and green peppers stuffed with meat and rice, skewers and thin-sliced roasted meats redolent of rich smoke.