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Atwill-Morin inc. also known under the name of "Groupe Atwill-Morin Inc." is a company holding a general contractor license which specializes in masonry restoration and heritage preservation. The business was founded in spring, April 2007 by the three Atwill-Morin brothers. Before founding the Atwill-Morin enterprise, the brothers became certified masonry experts following in their fathers footsteps, and his father before him. Now the three brother work in unison everyday to accomplish the tasks at hand, as there is no stronger bond then that of family, and it is felt amongst its 150 employees(as of 2016).

In 2012, following Atwill-Morin's success, it became one of the top 4 specialized building contractors in the province of Québec. (according to the compiled hours at the CCQ.)