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n. (plural of attribution English)

Usage examples of "attributions".

For every Circle has its natural symbolism, and even if no use is to be made of these facts, one must be careful not to let anything be inharmonious with the natural attributions.

In contrast, truly feeling guilt would seem to require "I'm-responsible" and "I'm-in-control" attributions.

Guilt can be reduced if the attributions are changed to "I'm not totally at fault" or "I can make up for my mistake" or "I'm not in control" or "I'm responsible and I can and will change in the future.

Thus it is impossible to rely absolutely on the attributions of post-Mongol Persian anthologists.

The notoriety of their unorthodox views would result in unorthodox ruba'is being attributed to them, though such attributions would in all probability not have been made in the absence of rumour that such men did from time to time strike off verses of this type.

Khayyam', {20} the late Professor Minorsky accepted Najmu'd-Din's two attributions along with Juvaini's when he said that before 1949 scholars had been able to recognize three ruba'is only as definitely by Khayyam.

This last revelation makes our Tarot attributions sublimely, perfectly, flawlessly symmetrical.

It is given as 'Florentine school, late fifteenth century,' although considering how wayward these people can be sometimes on attributions it could be by Picasso.