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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Attractive \At*tract"ive\, a. [Cf. F. attractif.]

  1. Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as, the attractive force of bodies.
    --Sir I. Newton.

  2. Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing. ``Attractive graces.''
    --Milton. ``Attractive eyes.''

    Flowers of a livid yellow, or fleshy color, are most attractive to flies.
    --Lubbock. [1913 Webster] -- At*tract"ive*ly, adv. -- At*tract"ive*ness, n.


n. 1 (context uncountable English) The state of being attractive or engaging. 2 (context countable English) The result of being attractive.

  1. n. the quality of arousing interest; being attractive or something that attracts; "her personality held a strange attraction for him" [syn: attraction]

  2. a beauty that appeals to the senses [ant: unattractiveness]


Attractiveness or attraction is a quality that causes an interest or desire in something or someone. The term attraction may also refer to the object of the attraction itself, as in tourist attraction.

Usage examples of "attractiveness".

Even for a mature woman, she had a figure of health and beguiling attractiveness.

A defensive reaction against the attractiveness designed into his genes to make him a more sellable commercial commodity.

Wilbur Smot had learned that true attractiveness was harmony with the forces of the universe.

Bilong Oliausau had to impress them with her knowledge of neolinguistic AI, and her sexual attractiveness.

He had never believed the die-hard psychobiologists who had insisted that the aesthetic judgments which underlay sexual attractiveness were genetically hardwired so that the idea of beauty and the appearance of youth were inextricably tied together.

Literature, art, and that vast diversity of topics which are loosely embraced under the general name of social science--upon all these he had something fresh to say, and he said it invariably with attractiveness and effect.

Her slightly too regular features suggested that her attractiveness had been helped along with various cosmetic enhancements, but Michael doubted that most men his age would look beyond the melting glances Astrid kept casting in his direction to notice.

Hence it is, probably, that while no question has been raised as to the effect of the higher education upon the attractiveness of men, the colleges for girls have been jealously watched as to the effect they were likely to have upon the attractiveness of women.

When asked to sort photos of faces in order of attractiveness, prosopagnosics sorted the photos in pretty much the same way as anyone else.

It could easily be shown that to use personal attractiveness recklessly to the extent of hopeless beguilement is cruel, and it may be admitted that woman ought to be held to strict responsibility for her attractiveness.

The duty is upon her in this poor world of being as attractive as she can, and yet she is held responsible for all the mischief her attractiveness produces.

The attractiveness of this work is as much due to the suggestive social and literary discussions with which it abounds as to the delicate and refined humor with which the ideas are expressed.

Julie remembered to one of those critical that turned it a human conglomerate when saying that Zachary Benedict had the magnetism animal of Sean youthful Connery, the talent of a Newman, the charisma of Costner, the machismo of a young person Eastwood, the smooth one sophistication of Warren Beatty, the versatility of Michael Douglas and the attractiveness of Harrison Ford.

And Julie understood that there its true attractiveness resided: in the challenge that locked up.

That same day had to flee, before their weak force of will and its fragile sense of the moral crumbled before dangerous the attractiveness of that man.