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n. (plural of attenuator English)

Usage examples of "attenuators".

He had just finished attaching a new set of attenuators to afaulty motherboard when his cellular phone sprang to life.

I knew that the nanotech neuro-attenuators swam invisibly and independently to the top of my tea as a barely visible sheen, undetectable.

It'll be gone in a single electronic sweep, you with it, unless you take these damned attenuators.

When I took the attenuators, I would be immune to all the controlling images and smells and sounds broadcast out of Globe-Tech.

And the few spared urban centers were to be completely within our control, within the control of the few Globe-Techers who had attenuators, who would not drown in their own mists, who would walk like supermen among the few helpless and powerless that they had spared.

I took the vial of attenuators I'd brought and dumped it into her cup.

Colonel Luisa Chang cut in the attenuators in her bodysuit and felt shafts of coolness spread across her chest, back, belly and crotch.

The attenuators charged, and the ship seemed to elongate as it began its shift into another dimension.

He had just finished attaching a new set of attenuators to a faulty motherboard when his cellular phone sprang to life.

One may find within the Anglican communion, Arians, Unitarians, Atheists, disbelievers in immortality, attenuators of miracles.