n. (atomic nucleus English)
Usage examples of "atomic nuclei".
It follows, then, that if cosmic ray particles are atomic nuclei, then the chances are that roughly 90 percent of them are hydrogen-1 nuclei (protons) and 9 percent are helium-4 nuclei, plus a thin scattering of a wide variety of more complicated nuclei.
Such a cutting or fission of atomic nuclei occurs in nuclear weapons and conventional nuclear power plants, although it is not carbon that is split.
Breaking up atomic nuclei, however, requires quite a lot of money and a generous supply of electricity.
Given high enough temperatures, the range of atomic nuclei found in nature could be built up through a succession starting with hydrogen, the lightest, which consists of one proton.
Would the different physical laws of this universe penetrate them, making their very atomic nuclei decay?
At temperatures of millions of degrees, the atomfire fused the atomic nuclei of elements and the energy liberated by the mass deficiency of the fused nuclei raised the temperature all the more and kept the fire from going out.
A large number of variations was allowed to the fusion of atomic nuclei, for the effect of Arkon Bombs was not limited to fusing silicon nuclei with silicon nuclei, or sodium nuclei with sodium nuclei, or calcium nuclei with calcium nuclei.
The ship could be the densest cosmic dwarf, a neutron star, a globe of atomic nuclei packed together into a solid, a solid compared with which the hardest steel would be as attenuated as a gas: it would make no difference.
Neutrons are the electrically uncharged particles which make up much of the mass of most atomic nuclei and are the particles which set off or trigger the mighty explosions of atomic bombs.
Something is going to come out of the printer in half an hour, something cloned off its original right down to the individual quantum states of its component atomic nuclei.
But neutral particles of exactly the right mass, heavy as specks of dust but smaller than atomic nuclei, had been caught in the laser traps surrounding both storage rings at exactly the same time.
You know that not all atomic nuclei explode on being hit by a neutron.
When you liberate them from their host atoms, they radiate outward, bombarding other atomic nuclei, releasing more neutrons.