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v. bomb with atomic weapons [syn: nuke]

Usage examples of "atom-bomb".

In those tense seconds it was as if he were endowed with a front seat at the dropping of a bigger and better atom-bomb with people in the back seats watching seismographs a thousand miles away.

And how much more complex these problems became, and needful of solution, when you were living in an obvious time of interim morality like today, when national loyalty and faithfulness to family alone were dissolving in favor of a wider loyalty and a wider love—or in favor of a selfish, dog-eat-dog, atom-bombed chaos, if the human spirit were hedged, clipped, and dwarfed by traditional egotisms and fears.

Actually all I had to do was get Rockecenter to put a satellite killer on to that umbrella device, bomb the Empire State Building, atom-bomb the Republic of Maysabongo out of existence and announce to the waiting world that their refineries were NOT radioactive.

They will be able to look up in the sky any night and see the main atom-bomb rocket base of the United States staring down the backs of their necks.