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a. (context obsolete or UK dialectal English) noble; illustrious n. 1 (context obsolete English) A chief or lord. 2 (context UK dialectal Scotland English) A prince or noble.

Usage examples of "athel".

If any of the crew recognized Althea as Athel from Candletown, no one was foolish enough to admit it.

As she hurried down the drive toward Bingtown, she almost wished she were simply Athel, a ship's boy.

But if the Bingtown Trader saw any resemblance between Athel the sailor and Althea the daughter of Ephron Vestrit, he gave no sign of it.

Now that he'd seen her as Athel, he'd probably continue to see her as Athel.

This hathel helde3 hym in and the halle entres, Driuande to the he3e dece, dut he no wothe, Haylsed he neuer one, bot he3e he ouer loked.

Ther wat3 lokyng on lenthe the lude to beholde, For vch mon had meruayle quat hit mene my3t That a hathel and a horse my3t such a hwe lach, As growe grene as the gres and grener hit semed, Then grene aumayl on golde glowande bry3ter.

Therfore to answare wat3 ar3e mony athel freke, And al stouned at his steuen and stonstil seten In a swoghe sylence thur3 the sale riche.

When non wolde kepe hym with carp he co3ed ful hyyghe, Ande rimed hym ful richly, and ry3t hym to speke: "What, is this Arthures hous," quoth the hathel thenne, "That al the rous rennes of thur3 ryalmes so mony?

Fyrst I ethe the, hathel, how that thou hattes That thou me telle truly, as I tryst may.

That holde on that on syde the hathel auysed, As hit schemered and schon thur3 the schyre oke3.

Then haylsed he ful hendly tho hathele3 vchone, And mony proud mon ther presed that prynce to honour.

Gawayn gly3t on the gome that godly hym gret, And thu3t hit a bolde burne that the burygh ayghte, A hoge hathel for the none3, and of h3e eldee.

An other lady hir lad bi the lyft honde, That wat3 alder then ho, an auncian hit semed, And he3ly honowred with hathele3 aboute.

By that any dayly3t lemed vpon erthe He with his hatheles on hy3e horsses weren.

There wat3 blawyng of prys in mony breme horne, He3e halowing on hiyghe with hathele3 that myyght.