- Chances to hit
- Visits to the plate
- Turns at home
- Swinging chances
- Slugger's opportunities
- Sabermetric stats
- Royals' opportunities?
- Rose's record 14,053
- Opportunities for singles
- Little League statistic
- Leadoff hitter's accumulation
- Home appearances, and where to look for the contest answer
- Hank Aaron's 12,364
- Diamond turns
- Chances to swing
- Chances for a walk in the park?
- Casey's turns
- Brave turns?
- Box-score stats
- Box score entries
- Baseball-record entries
- Baseball player's chances to hit: Hyph
- Baseball hitter's opportunities
- Attempts to hit
- One of Pete Rose's records
- Baseball stats
- Diamond stats
- Baseball card number
- Times up?
- Flies may result from them
- Opportunities to swing
- Baseball statistics
- Offensive opportunities
- Opportunities to run away from home
- Box-score entries
- Slugger's stat
- Career record held by Pete Rose
- Turns up at home?
- Plate appearances
- MLB statistic
- Hitters' stats
- Some baseball stats
- Turns to swing
- Box score stats
- Baseball card stats
- Turns at the plate
- Swinging times
- Opportunities at home?