n. a simple substitution cipher in which each occurrence of the first letter of the alphabet is substituted with the last, second with next to last, and so on
Atbash (; also transliterated Atbaš) is a simple substitution cipher originally for the Hebrew alphabet, but possible with any known alphabet.
It is considered 'complex'. But, it has a possible key, and it is a simple monoalphabetic substitution cipher. However, this may not have been an issue at the time when the cipher was first devised.
Usage examples of "atbash".
A common form of Jewish cryptogram, the Atbash Cipher was a simple substitution code based on the twenty-two-letter Hebrew alphabet.
In Atbash, the first letter was substituted by the last letter, the second letter by the next to last letter, and so on.
Jewish scholars and mystics are still finding hidden meanings using Atbash.
The Priory certainly would include the Atbash Cipher as part of their teachings.
Finally, a scholar applied the Atbash Cipher to the word, and his results were mind-numbing.
Within weeks, several more Atbash code words were uncovered in the Old Testament, unveiling myriad hidden meanings that scholars had no idea were there.
Now we simply apply your Atbash substitution matrix to translate the letters into our five-letter password.
What is a final i in the English leb kamai is a letter yod in Hebrew, whose atbash reciprocal is mem.
The word "atbash," incidentally, derives from the very procedure it denotes, since it is composed of aleph, taw, beth, and shin—the first, last, second, and next-to-last letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
A common form of Jewish cryptogram, the Atbash Cipher was a simple substitution code based on the twentytwoletter Hebrew alphabet.