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The Collaborative International Dictionary
At the last

Last \Last\ (l[.a]st), a. [OE. last, latst, contr. of latest, superl. of late; akin to OS. lezt, lazt, last, D. laatst, G. letzt. See Late, and cf. Latest.]

  1. Being after all the others, similarly classed or considered, in time, place, or order of succession; following all the rest; final; hindmost; farthest; as, the last year of a century; the last man in a line of soldiers; the last page in a book; his last chance.

    Also day by day, from the first day unto the last day, he read in the book of the law of God.
    --Neh. viii. 18.

    Fairest of stars, last in the train of night.

  2. Next before the present; as, I saw him last week.

  3. Supreme; highest in degree; utmost.

    Contending for principles of the last importance.
    --R. Hall.

  4. Lowest in rank or degree; as, the a last place finish.

  5. Farthest of all from a given quality, character, or condition; most unlikely; having least fitness; as, he is the last person to be accused of theft.

    At last, at the end of a certain period; after delay. ``The duke of Savoy felt that the time had at last arrived.''

    At the last. [Prob. fr. AS. on l[=a]ste behind, following behind, fr. l[=a]st race, track, footstep. See Last mold of the foot.] At the end; in the conclusion. [Obs.] ``Gad, a troop shall overcome him; but he shall overcome at the last.''
    --Gen. xlix. 19.

    Last heir, the person to whom lands escheat for lack of an heir. [Eng.]

    On one's last legs, at, or near, the end of one's resources; hence, on the verge of failure or ruin, especially in a financial sense. [Colloq.]

    To breathe one's last, to die.

    To the last, to the end; till the conclusion.

    And blunder on in business to the last.

    Syn: At Last, At Length.

    Usage: These phrases both denote that some delayed end or result has been reached. At length implies that a long period was spent in so doing; as, after a voyage of more than three months, we at Length arrived safe. At last commonly implies that something has occurred (as interruptions, disappointments, etc.) which leads us to emphasize the idea of having reached the end; as, in spite of every obstacle, we have at last arrived.

Usage examples of "at the last".

He reassured her that Kyril would never have expected her to report any earlier than this, and prevented her from changing at the last minute into one of her formal uniforms.

But right at the last minute, the people who built the bridge get word that there's a troublemaker who wants to destroy everything.

We started working flat out, doing scans as fast as we could, terrified that we could be shut down at the last minute.