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The Collaborative International Dictionary
At roost

Roost \Roost\, n. [AS. hr[=o]st; akin to OD. roest roost, roesten to roost, and probably to E. roof. Cf. Roof.]

  1. The pole or other support on which fowls rest at night; a perch.

    He clapped his wings upon his roost.

  2. A collection of fowls roosting together.

    At roost, on a perch or roost; hence, retired to rest.

Usage examples of "at roost".

The soil hung upon him, he slouched over the deck, as if he were walking over the furrows of ploughed land, and looking up into the rigging, as if he saw a cock-pheasant at roost upon the rattlins.

Now, though the said chicken was then at roost in the stable, and required the several ceremonies of catching, killing, and picking, before it was brought to the gridiron, my landlady would nevertheless have undertaken to do all within the time.

Accordingly I wrote a little note to him in London, telling him how all his favorite plants and trees were looking, and how the most astonishing of birds had chirped the honors of the house to me in the most hospitable manner, and how, after singing on my shoulder, to the inconceivable rapture of my little maid, he was then at roost in the usual corner of his cage, but whether dreaming or no I could not report.

Coming down the street Hanley and Jarzylo and Shamberger the tight khaki making him feel nervous and the plains breaking away on all sides the horizon no higher than his it seemed and the houses showing families sitting on inside like chickens at roost facing TV’.

It would be a powerful victory for the Empire and relatively easy-ships under repair would not be able to lift to defend themselves, and it would be like shooting game birds at roost, but he did not trust the Dark Prince, and he knew the man did nothing for free.

She gave a shrug to rid herself of the chill it gave her, and shoved the boat on, past other moored boats, these with sense to clear the channel, boats tied up thick as birds at roost.

Come back to bed, Cassandra, it is so early the seagulls are still at roost.