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The Collaborative International Dictionary
At peace

Peace \Peace\, n. [OE. pees, pais, OF. pais, paiz, pes, F. paix, L. pax, pacis, akin to pacere, paciscere, pacisci, to make an agreement, and prob. also pangere to fasten. Cf. Appease, Fair, a., Fay, v., Fang, Pacify, Pact, Pay to requite.] A state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; calm; repose; specifically:

  1. Exemption from, or cessation of, war with public enemies.

  2. Public quiet, order, and contentment in obedience to law.

  3. Exemption from, or subjection of, agitating passions; tranquillity of mind or conscience.

  4. Reconciliation; agreement after variance; harmony; concord. ``The eternal love and pees.'' --Chaucer. Note: Peace is sometimes used as an exclamation in commanding silence, quiet, or order. ``Peace! foolish woman.'' --Shak. At peace, in a state of peace. Breach of the peace. See under Breach. Justice of the peace. See under Justice. Peace of God. (Law)

    1. A term used in wills, indictments, etc., as denoting a state of peace and good conduct.

    2. (Theol.) The peace of heart which is the gift of God. Peace offering.

      1. (Jewish Antiq.) A voluntary offering to God in token of devout homage and of a sense of friendly communion with Him.

      2. A gift or service offered as satisfaction to an offended person.

        Peace officer, a civil officer whose duty it is to preserve the public peace, to prevent riots, etc., as a sheriff or constable.

        To hold one's peace, to be silent; to refrain from speaking.

        To make one's peace with, to reconcile one with, to plead one's cause with, or to become reconciled with, another. ``I will make your peace with him.''

at peace

a. 1 (context comparable literally English) Free of worry; peaceful. 2 (context not comparable idiomatic English) dead.

at peace

adj. dead; "he is deceased"; "our dear departed friend" [syn: asleep(p), at peace(p), at rest(p), deceased, departed, gone]

At Peace

At Peace (stylised as @peace) was a New Zealand hip hop group. The group comprised lyricist and vocalist Tom Scott, also of the hip-hop group Home Brew; lyricist and vocalist Lui Tuiasau, formerly of hip-hop duo Nothing To Nobody; and producers Christoph El Truento, Dandruff Dicky and B Haru.

At Peace released three albums between 2012 and 2014 before the group's breakup in 2015. In 2014 they released a song which included lyrics threatening to kill John Key and have sex with his daughter.

Usage examples of "at peace".

Although the Iroquois were thus at peace with their English neighbors, there was a bitter enmity between them and the French settlers of Canada, who had espoused the cause of their hereditary foes, the tribes dwelling along the St.

Graham, when these poor heathen will cease from their dreadful wars, and live at peace with each other, like civilized beings?