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The Collaborative International Dictionary
At leastwise

Leastways \Least"ways`\, Leastwise \Least"wise`\, adv. At least; at all events. [Colloq.]

At leastways, or At leastwise, at least. [Obs.]

Usage examples of "at leastwise".

And albeit that some of them are not much better than Louse fair,or the common kirkemesses,beyond the sea, yet there are divers not inferior to the greatest marts in Europe, as Stourbridge fair near to Cambridge, Bristow fair, Bartholomew fair at London, Lynn mart, Cold fair at Newport pond for cattle, and divers other, all which, or at leastwise the greatest part of them (to the end I may with the more ease to the reader and less travel to myself fulfil my task in their recital), I have set down according to the names of the months wherein they are holden at the end of this book, where you shall find them at large as I borrowed the same from J.