- "Same old, same old"
- "No surprise there"
- Per normal procedures
- In the customary way
- In the customary manner
- "No surprise"
- "Just like always..."
- Like you normally do: 2 wds
- Like much business?
- Like it's always been done
- In keeping with tradition
- In an unsurprising way
- By custom
- Business ___ (normal routine)
- "Just like always ..."
- Predictably
- Without change
- Not surprisingly
- By tradition
- Unsurprisingly
- Per routine
- In an ordinary fashion
- "Business ___"
- Normally left Australia and America going west
- Routinely heard to use salsa in composition?
- Predictably, crossword constructors in America are looking up "aluminum"
- In the normal way
- Typically a South American university call centre
- Like always
- In typical fashion