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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Astringe \As*tringe"\ ([a^]s*tr[i^]nj"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Astringed (-tr[i^]njd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Astringing (-j[i^]ng).] [L. astringere; ad + stringere to draw tight. Cf. Astrict, and see Strain, v. t.]

  1. To bind fast; to constrict; to contract; to cause parts to draw together; to compress.

    Which contraction . . . astringeth the moisture of the brain and thereby sendeth tears into the eyes.

  2. To bind by moral or legal obligation.


vb. 1 (context transitive obsolete English) To constrict, to compress 2 (context intransitive obsolete English) To become constricted or compressed 3 To bind by moral or legal obligation.

  1. v. constrict or bind or draw together; "Lemon juice astringes the tissue in the mouth"

  2. become constricted or compressed; "The cold substance astringes"

Usage examples of "astringe".

As a soothing, astringing and healing application to the affected parts we prepare an Ointment that has acquired great fame for the prompt relief which it affords in all ordinary cases.