The Collaborative International Dictionary
Astony \As*ton"y\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Astonied; p. pr. & vb. n. Astonying. See Astone.] To stun; to bewilder; to astonish; to dismay. [Archaic]
The captain of the Helots . . . strake Palladius upon
the side of his head, that he reeled astonied.
--Sir P.
This sodeyn cas this man astonied so,
That reed he wex, abayst, and al quaking.
vb. (present participle of astony English)
Usage examples of "astonying".
As when a Faulcon hath with nimble flightFlowne at a flush of Ducks, foreby the brooke,The trembling foule dismayd with dreadfull sightOf death, the which them almost ouertooke,Doe hide themselues from her astonying looke,Amongst the flags and couert round about.