n. (plural of asteroid belt English)
Usage examples of "asteroid belts".
He had heard a couple of reports of smugglers diving into asteroid belts to evade pursuit.
He scanned the scopes looking for convenient asteroid belts, planetoids, or ion storms in which they could lose themselves.
Of course the next generations began mining their own local asteroid belts.
How many asteroid belts have we seen since we got ourselves stuck here in the Delta Quadrant?
Another showed the tortuous route into Eclipse, along with the planet itself hidden behind its screen of asteroid belts and gas giant neighbors.
Our two local asteroid belts supply ample resources, and we are careful not to overexploit those that are not renewable.
No habs and no traces of megastructures were shown, and only the vaguest indications of Oort and Kuiper bodies and asteroid belts were given.
Bells and bollux, they must be separating some expensive rocks in their asteroid belts if they could buy a 78.