"Asspen" is the second episode of the sixth season and the 81st overall episode of the American animated television series South Park. It first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on March 13, 2002. In the episode, the boys go on vacation at Aspen, Colorado, where Stan is repeatedly tormented by an older skier named Tad. Meanwhile, the boys' parents become stuck at a meeting as two salesmen attempt to coax them to purchase timeshare property.
The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker. The episode serves as a parody of underdog sports films from the 1980s, while the subplot was conceived while Parker and co-creator Matt Stone were repeatedly annoyed by timeshare salesmen while in Whistler, British Columbia. "Asspen" has received very positive reviews, with critics listing it as among the best episodes of the series. It is one of the few episodes to be rated TV-14 in its original airing. Along with the rest of the sixth season, it was released on home video on October 11, 2005.